Friday, April 1, 2011

[Article] Handbooks, Guides & Manuals

One Ring To Rule Them All...

...And In The Darkness Bind Them!


Robert said...

Heh heh. ^_^

Looking back, I marvel at the fact that I actually carried nine AD&D hard backs to every session at one point.

Ragnorakk said...


Matthew James Stanham said...

Yeah, thinking back I was carrying a lot of books around with me towards the end of my time with AD&D/2e. When I got back into the game we had all the first edition hard backs, second edition hard backs and soft back supplements sitting around, but it was rare that we ever consulted one of them; more often we would flip through them to look at the illustrations, which is not far off the way I used them back in the day!

The inspiration for this post came upon me about 6am this morning when I realised it was April the first. Stay tuned for a real post. ;)

jgbrowning said...

Hah! Missed this great post. :)